I’ve tried a variety of psychedelics at this point, but I have yet to have the kind of positive, learning experiences that Shane describes.
The Candy Flip: Exploring Time and Becoming a God
Here-in lies some of the information I gleaned during the most potent and far-reaching psychedelic experience I’ve had: a high-dose candy flip.
Psychedelics for Self-Exploration and Improvement
I’ve always been interested in self-exploration and improvement, but nothing has had a more profound effect on my self-discover than psychedelics.
The Enneagram: An Exploration of Self-Discovery
I’m a big fan of self-exploration and reflection. That’s part of being a psychonaut, yeah? So when I heard about the Enneagram, I had to take the test.
The Ambiguity of Male Sexiness
What do women find sexy? Wit. Humor. Charm. What about physically? What is the man equivalent of lingerie? No clue. That’s the ambiguity of male sexiness.