Yoga, Tantra, Sex: Tripping During the Pandemic

Because we couldn’t go anywhere physically up until recently, Shane and I have been taking other kinds of trips these past few months. This is the story of an LSD experience from back in back in April. We had a three defined goals going into it: yoga, tantra, sex. We accomplished these…with mixed success.

The problem was that Shane came out peak faster than expected, so we messed up our timing and missed our window. He comes out of psychedelic experiences very suddenly. One moment he’s floating through the experience and then—THUD!—back to reality. I tend to drift in waves in and out as it slowly fades. He has a hard edge between being in the psychedelic experience and falling out of it.  

Although it’s usually not such a quick trip. This LSD peak was about two hours, which is oddly short. As it was, Shane came out of peak before we had even gotten to our second goal (try a tantric exercise), and that was supposed to bring us to goal 3, the sex.

We still hit all of our goals. We just did it across a longer time frame and not while solidly tripping.

Goal 1: Yoga

We often note to each other that it might be nice to do yoga during the come-up or even in the peak of a psychedelic experience. After all, you are highly aware of body sensations while tripping, and we thought it might be like a guided meditation.

To avoid the pitfall of being highly distractible, I found a gentle yoga video that was pretty short and focused mostly on stretching. No crazy positions or balancing. We waited until we were both feeling the LSD—not fully peaking but definitely in the experience—before starting.

Shane found it difficult to focus on what he was supposed to be doing. He would forget to listen to the instructions and not realize that we were doing a new pose. He also isn’t very flexible, so some of the moves were quite difficult for him. We did have quite a few giggles as Shane struggled into some of the poses, as we always do when we do yoga together.

I really enjoyed it and would do more next time. It wasn’t as difficult for me to follow; I’m used to how the poses flow into one another. I am also more flexible so it did not feel physically strenuous to me. To his credit, he works out all the time, is very fit, incredibly strong, and has great balance. Which is why it strikes me as particularly funny that he can’t do something simple like lie on his back and put both legs up in the air.

Another challenge that presented itself was our cats, who of course became incredibly interested in what we were doing on the floor. Thankfully all humans and cats came out of the yoga exercise without any injuries.

Goal 2: Tantra

By the time we got to this, Shane’s peak had already come and gone.

In discussing our individual experiences, I don’t think I ever got as high as he did, so my peak was more of a gentle slide up and down. His was a bit more of a harsh return to reality. Of course you don’t come all the way out of an LSD experience that fast, so he was still enjoying the trip but was cognizant of the fact that we missed our window to try a tantric exercise while peaking. We decided it was a worthwhile experiment anyway though!

We moved up to the bedroom under the assumption that it would lead to sex, and we would be more comfortable there. The video first had us sitting facing each other, holding hands and looking into each other’s eyes. This was somewhat successful, but there was a lot of giggling. 

Then we were instructed to do “circular breathing”, where we moved our hands and our bodies in a sort of back and forth circular motion. I don’t think we ever got the rhythm quite right on that, and this is when I think we both started to feel uncomfortably hot. Next time we will remember to have a fan handy or open a window.

The next move was for Shane to sit cross-legged and for me to get up onto his lap and wrap my legs around his waist. We held hands and sat with our foreheads together, attempting to synchronize our breathing. The exercise ended by staying in that same position hugging each other. We enjoyed that but broke apart fairly quickly again because of the heat issue. We sort of collapsed on the bed next to each other and were wondering…so what now?


We decided on a pause. We were both overheated and definitely out of the peak. Although we certainly could have gotten in a sexy mood, we thought that we would take a break and come back to the bedroom later. What we were both in the mood for was a light-hearted movie.

So we decided to watch Frozen. Yup, we went from a tantric exercise to watching a Disney movie. It ended up being the perfect thing to do. We drank some wine and enjoyed just sitting next to each other relaxing. In the afterglow of an LSD trip, the colors in the movie were amazing. The music was great. The jokes were hilarious.

I remember looking at Shane and thinking how great it is to be with him; how we could go into this experience with goals but then also completely change things up just because we felt like it. We let our moods dictate our activities instead of trying to force things. I had this overwhelming appreciation for how easy our relationship is.

Goal 3: Sex!

After the movie, we headed back to the bedroom. I put on one of our favorite Pandora stations, and the first song that came on was by Massive Attack and is what Shane refers to as his fucking song. So that’s what we did! The mood was there for both of us right away, and we had some incredible, very connected sex. I felt like my orgasm was building the entire time, and when it finally came, it was explosive.

So while not the sex-while-tripping sex we had planned (and at that point, still hadn’t managed), it was still really awesome, chemically enhanced sex. Overall, a fun, mostly successful trip. We both want to continue bringing those elements into our psychedelic experiences.

And how did we decide to end the evening? By watching Frozen 2 of course!