Sex and Marijuana

My plan is to go through each of the drugs we’ve tried and give details about our experiences. Basically, it will be an ongoing series “Sex and….” If we have had positive experiences, then give info about those. If we continue to use certain drugs, explain why we do so and how that drug has affected our sex lives and relationship. Maybe give details about particular experiences. I’m starting off on the light end: weed. Specifically, the combination of sex and marijuana.

We started this blog to promote sex, kink, and drug positivity. Each of these are areas in which we find ourselves a little stifled by general social stigmas. Many of our friends have been within our social circle since college and high school. We don’t talk about sex, in general, with most of them very much. We certainly don’t talk about our kinks. I’m pretty boisterous, so most suspect that I’m a bit freaky, but with Erin they don’t have confirmation of that.

Our drug explorations are more recent—only in the past five or six years. It’s hard to tell people we’ve known for 15 to 20 years that we started experimenting with things like LSD and MDMA. On the one hand, hey, these are long-time friends; they should know us and accept us and understand we’re not being reckless and damaging ourselves. On the other hand, that’s a huge shift in perspective and the common perspectives around these substances is so ingrained.

Throughout school, we were taught drugs are bad. Drug users are bad. It’s hard to shake that conditioning.

Starting With Marijuana

Marijuana, however, is a little easier to cop to. Most of our friends have admitted to trying weed at some point during college or after. We know several are occasional marijuana users. We know a few who are habitual users, sometimes daily users—for medical reasons or self-medicating for anxiety. And a few of our friends won’t touch the stuff. Which is fine! We aren’t pushing for the use of any substance.

We’re advocating for accurate information, open discourse without judgement, and for teaching harm reduction practices rather than prohibition. As legalization spreads across the U.S. and as research reveals the medicinal value of MDMA and psychedelics, these substances are going to be explored more and more. We need to teach people how to use them safely.

“Just say no” was never a viable strategy. Now, it’s arguably an unethical one. We prefer “Here’s our experience. Do your own research. Make your own choices. Feel free to tell us about your experiences.”

Sex and Marijuana: What’s the Big Deal?

“What are the best drugs to have sex on?” I’ve seen this question, or some version of it, in forums and on social media so many times.

Props to the person who says birth control. Hilarious!

Marijuna and alcohol tend to top the lists I’ve seen. GHB, MDMA, cocaine, and poppers also make it up there, but users have mixed results. MDMA and cocaine are notorious for causing erection issues. 

Considering how wide-spread marjuana use is, there’s tons of coverage around this topic: How to Have Great Sex While High; Marijuana Use Before Sex Leads To More Satisfying Orgasms, Study Finds; and Cannabis Can Help With Better Sex, but Low Doses Are Key. I disagree that last one about low dose being key. More on that later. If you are more of a podcast person, sex and marijuana was topic of a recent Sexpots podcast. The part about sex and marijuna starts at 6:45. (And they read my response during the podcast at 12:55! SQUEEEEE!!!)

There isn’t a ton of research on the link between cannabis and sex, orgasms, or libido because it’s a Schedule I drug—“substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse” according to the DEA. It’s difficult to get funding for research for Schedule I drugs to actually see if there is a medical use or if there is a high potential for abuse. Yeah, that’s some Catch, that Catch 22. There isn’t a lot of research…but there is some, and more coming all the time.

Sex and Marijuana: How We Use It

In general, we don’t smoke much. Maybe once or twice every other month. We rarely get high just to be high—it often makes Erin distracted or sleepy—so usually when we smoke up, it’s with the intention that it will lead to sex. After all, as previously noted, drugs make me horny.

I also have a thing for watching women smoke up, particularly scantily clad or naked women doing bong hits. I’m not the only one. It’s a thing. Look it up. (Which is my way of saying I decided against including a picture of that in this blog post.)

Like we do with most of our drug experiences, we tend to make smoking marijuana an event. We decide to make a night of it. We hit a vaporizer (we have a Pax) or a vape pen and listen to music or a sexy podcast or two, have sex, listen to more music, probably have sex again—I’m much more likely to rise for a second round when high—then go to sleep.

It’s funny: In the days following these nights, we say to each other that we want to do that more. Like once a week or so. We enjoy the togetherness of the evening, we have fun listening to podcasts, and (most important) we have great sex.

Even though we both want to do it more, we just don’t think to do so. We readily fall back into our habit of sober sex. Life gets in the way.

How Is Sex While High on Marijuanna Different From Sober Sex? 

I listed some ways in which sex on drugs (general) is different from sober sex in my first post on the blog, but it’s worth getting more specific. 

A Low to Moderate High

Erin usually starts with one or two puffs from the Pax or the vape pen during the music/podcast starter and then maybe one or two more as we progress toward sex. I have a high tolerance, so I take more and heavier hits than she does.

Erin says that when she’s high tactile sensations are heightened. The actual physical experiences of sex, be it when I go down on her or actual penetration, feel more intense. She’s more relaxed, like full-body relaxed, which she says opens her more to the experience. Also, it feels more focused. “Like we’re in a bubble,” she just said. “I’m more focused on what’s going on. The entire world around us fades into the background.” This is similar to MDMA but to a lesser extent.

Although she doesn’t climax faster when high, Erin does have much more powerful orgasms. This is very different from MDMA, on which she can’t orgasm at all.

My experiences are similar. I’m not sure I would say I feel relaxed so much as I feel less inhibited. I’m more likely to talk dirty or take a kinkier turn during sex if high. I also feel like I have more control over when I let myself come. Orgasms are more intense, and as I said previously, I’m more likely to quickly rise for a second round.

One drawback: Weed can have a drying effect. This leads to dry mouth, an annoying sensation called cottonmouth. This can make oral a little problematic. It can also hinder ladies’ natural pussy lubrication. Keep a bottle of lube nearby.

Really Fucking High

We’ve gotten really fucking high a few times. Usually edibles are involved. Oh boy edibles can be sneaky bastards! We could (and probably will) do an entire post about all the times edibles kicked our asses. I’m not sure we’ve ever fucked while really fucking high on edibles.

However, I do have a good story about one time we were really fucking that I’ll use as an example of why I disagree that only low doses lead to better sex.

High Was the Point

This particular time, we got high with the intention of having sex. No “chill and listen to something first” either. The four-part plan was as follows:

  1. Get High
  2. Fuck
  3. ???
  4. Profit!

We used our bong for this evening. A good bong hit is way more potent than the vape. We might have even hit the bong, started messing around, and then done another bong hit. Like I said, the intention was to get fucking high.

We were definitely already full on into sex when the high hit Erin in earnest. In fact, she was on her back on our Liberator pillow and bound to said pillow with silk ribbon straps around her wrists. I know! I know! Bondage and drugs, not a recommended mix. But we have a lot of experience together, and it was extremely mild bondage. And there were no whips involved.

She’s a Bit Out of It

As we’re having sex, I noticed Erin was become less responsive: Very few, very soft vocalizations and not much movement, like she was falling alseep. Concerned, I stopped and asked her if she was OK. She said yes, she’s great, but she’s so high she just keeps floating off.

I asked if she wanted to stop and just float or go to sleep. She said no, it feels great. Like she’s not even really aware that I’m there. Or that she’s even there. She just feels like she’s floating. The only thing she is aware of is music and being fucked. Even now she described it as kind of like an out of body experience only not really cause she was aware of her body being fucked.

She apologized and told me that she can’t actually be responsive, so if I’d rather stop then continue to fuck her as she just lies there, she’d be fine with that. She assured me she was having a great time, even if she couldn’t say so in the moment.

This Hits Some of Our Kinks

Erin had discovered the Girl on the Net blog pretty close to when this happened and, in reading some of the stories therein, had realized certain fantasies of her own. Being used as a  mastabatory toy was one of them. Brief recap of the story (which I recommend reading), G (who is also one of the three ladies on the Sexpots podcast) is being fucked while her boyfriend watched porn, but she wasn’t supposed to “be there.” She’s basically being used as a fuck toy. At one point she mentions how hot this is for her, and her boyfriend shushes her, which G (and Erin, when she read it) thought was super hot.

I mention this discovery to show that Erin was happy to be fucked while unresponsive. Because she had shared this blog post with me and told me how much she liked the idea, I knew this wasn’t an in-the-moment thing she was saying. Being too high to actually be responsive wasn’t part of that initial fantasy, but it worked. I was more than happy to continue fucking her when I knew she was having fun and her lack of feedback wasn’t due to lack of enjoyment.

And for my part, I thoroughly enjoyed the idea of using her that way. It played into some of my Dom tendencies, to have her completely at my mercy to use as I wanted (though within certain common sense boundaries; I have a blog post coming on that in the upcoming weeks!)

Undaunted, Our Hero Plunges Onward

I untied her, got her resituated on the Liberator wedge, and continued. I did have to stop and check in with her a couple more times, just be sure she was still enjoying the experience. After all, this was a first. Even though she started out enjoying it, I wanted to make sure that continued. Each time I asked, she confirmed it, so I kept going.

Best as I can recall, I fucked her until I came on her pussy and then used a vibrator to finish her off. I remember her having body-shaking orgasm, even if it was quieter than usual. She was more responsive by then, either because she was coming down a bit or the intensity of the vibrator was rousing her from her weed stupor.

Five Out of Five Stars, Would Do Again

Despite both of us really enjoying ourselves that night, we haven’t repeated the experience. Yet.  In general, Erin doesn’t like being that high. Even though being higher than usual was the point, that was more than she expected. That’s why we don’t use the bong very often. It’s hard to know how high we’ll get, and it’s easy to go further than intended.

We do both want to get really fucking high and then really get fucking again, we just haven’t. I don’t know that we’d aim for her getting so high that she’s completely unresponsive, but we’re both comfortable in continuing onward from there.

Sex and Marijuana Is a Solid Combination…for Us

We enjoy combining sex and marijuana. I don’t think we’ve ever had a bad experience fucking while high, which cannot be said about fucking while drunk (or more accurately, attempting to fuck while drunk). There’s also no hangover, which is another plus over alcohol.

Do you have any experience having sex while high on weed? Good or bad, we’d love to hear from you! Feel free to drop a comment below, email us, or even tweet at us