Who Are Erin and Shane?

This is an interesting predicament. We want to be open and honest with you about who we are. But given the nature of what we will reveal, we find the need for discretion. So I’ll make you a promise: We’ll be honest with you about everything…except our names and some other small, identifying details. Everything else is true.

We decided on the names Erin and Shane, the names of the characters in an erotica I wrote for Erin. We thought it was fitting as these characters embody some of our fantasies.

Now for some honest truths:

We were born 1980.

Met in high school in 1994.

Started dating in 1997.

Got married in 2005.

Along the way, we realized we were duped about the nature of sex and drugs and healthy relationships. We decided to share our experiences and philosophies here.

Why the Fringe?

We decided on the name because we want to talk about things that are on the fringe of society, like LSD and MDMA experiences or swinging and sex clubs or explorations into BDSM and other kinks. The kind of things most people keep secret from friends and family.

Why Bother?

We’ve known each other a long time, from becoming friends in high school to dating to getting married. We’ve been together longer than we haven’t. Our sexualities bloomed while we were a couple.

And yet, there were always things we kept secret and hidden from each other due to guilt or fear or shame. Our experiences with substances and forays into swinger and fetish lifestyles helped us open up to each other and have improved our relationship. It’s an ongoing experience.

We want to share our experiences and stories so that others might learn from us. And maybe, if you should feel so inclined, take similar steps to improve your own relationships.

About the Authors

Shane is a fitness nut and an avid psychonaut. Just as the gym is a way of working on the psychical body, so too can psychedelics work the mind or empathogens help strengthen emotional connections. He is a professional writer, editor, and proofreader—as such, he is the main content generator for this site. He’s always on the lookout for new and exciting projects to take on. If you are looking for professional content development or marketing assistance in the lifestyle, kink, or drug realm, drop him a message through our contact us form.

Erin is a down-to-earth introvert who got pulled down the rabbit hole by her wacky husband. She hopes to normalize the taboos around drug use and kinky sex.